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Create your Star Chart and match constellations visible in the night sky to score points!
Star Chart is a serene drafting game; pass cards around the table, and find the stars you need to match constellations. You can find these constellations on the cards in your hand and on the table. Get to 15 points first to win!
How to play
If you would like to be notified when we launch our Star Chart crowd-funding project, please join our mailing list below! Or join our Discord as well.
The game is currently in the final stages of play-testing, so stay tuned to see exactly what the final product will look like!
Each deck lets you play with up to 4 players, but you can use two decks to play with up to 8 players, 3 for 12 players and so on. Since Star Chart is a simultaneous-turn drafting game, more players does not make the game go for much longer.
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